Arduino APRS Tracker

An APRS tracker is easy to build these days.

I had decided to build one for portable use (plan is to be used on hiking, but also in my car) powered from Lithium Ion battery and with all components running on 3.3V. Transmit of APRS messages is done through a UV-5R.

The tracker is powered from my favorite Panasonic NCR18650 3400mAH through a MCP1700-3302E LDO regulator, and has plenty of juice for daily use.

GPS is a Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout – 66 channel w/10 Hz updates ( not that i need 10 Hz, 1 Hz update is more than enough but i had in stock from a different project, so why not ? (i love it).  You can also use a NEO-6M and change the appropriate define on the code

Arduino is a Pro Mini 3.3V 8 MHz (actually a clone of Deek-Robot Pro Mini)

Up and running on breadboard


Bought a Kenwood cable to avoid the mess with the 2.5 and 3.5 mm audio connectors

BIG FAT WARNING : There is no load disconnect for the battery while charging. DO NOT CHARGE AND USE IT. The charging of the battery will never finish, resulting on explosion, fire etc. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

TP4056 Lithium Cell Charger Module with Battery Protection to charge it through USB.

I have started working with the schematic of MicroModem ( but i have modified LibAPRS to make it work.

As long as GPS has a FIX it submits my location every two minutes and i have a button for a single shot APRS update. SmartBeaconing support is included and now is the default

The idea is to create a complete unit with a DRA818V with USB charging.
DRA818V is still on my desk… i have “trouble” designing a good low pass filter for VHF.

Schematic (breadboard version)

Remember power supply needs to be 3.3V

Arduino APRS tracker schematic (for the breadboard version)

Documentation has not been finalized yet and i use multiple libraries making it a bit difficult to handle everything

I have uploaded my working version to github

Remember to change the APRS_CALLSIGN to your call sign

You will need these libraries
libAPRS (modified)


Oh yes !!! We do have also PCB ready credits to aronaut. Thank you !!!

Bill of Materials (breadboard version)

R1 1K
R2 2K2
R3 3K9
R4 8K2
R5 270
R6 10K trimmer
R7 1K
R8 10K
C1 100nF
C2 4.7uF/16V
1 x GPS Module
1 x push button
1 x Arduino Pro Mini 3V3 8MHz
Q1 2N2700/BS170

For using without an external power supply:

1 x Panasonic NCR18650 3400mAH (or your favorite 18650)
1 x 18650 socket
1 x MCP1700-3302E
1 x TP4056

Bill of Materials (PCB version)

Includes the 18650 socket+TP4056


311 responses to “Arduino APRS Tracker”

  1. billy Avatar

    Confirmed this is a bug

    Transmitted (so no issue with transmission):
    2017-12-28 19:28:29 EET: SV1QFV-5>APZMDM,J41VAI*,WIDE1*,WIDE2-2,qAR,SV1BGM-1:=0256.40N/01014.84E>Arduino APRS Tracker

    But it is interpreted as
    2°56.40′ N 10°14.84′ E – locator JJ52CW95QO

    It needs to be fixed to DDMM.hhN/DDDMM.hhW

  2. billy Avatar

    Fix in the latest git commit

    1. 9W2GHH Avatar

      hi billy,

      Gizillion Thanks to u. now its working,

      Location: 2°56.39′ N 101°40.83′ E – locator OJ02UW15PN –
      1.3 km Northwest bearing 293° from Putrajaya, Putrajaya, Malaysia
      12.9 km Southwest bearing 217° from Kampong Baharu Balakong, Malaysia
      22.4 km South bearing 182° from Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

      tomorrow i will have a road trip to test it..

  3. Travis McCarter Avatar
    Travis McCarter

    I have been gathering parts for the APRS tracker. Can you provide a full parts list?

    1. billy Avatar


      I have update the page with a BOM

      Thank you

  4. Fred Avatar

    I tried to download you PDF but the link to the PDF seems to be down.
    Can you help me?

      1. Fred Avatar

        OK, now I get it ! Many thanks.
        Please let me know if your adruino aprs version can monitor frame over the air?
        Many thanks.

      2. billy Avatar

        Unfortunately it is not implemented, its on my TODO list

  5. Lee Jun Gyu Avatar
    Lee Jun Gyu

    Hi in schematic, analog output is AFSK signal? and operate VOX??

    1. billy Avatar


      Output is AFSK and i trigger the PTT with a FET/transistor so no VOX.

      You can try it depending on the transmitter and adjust the output accordinly

  6. Fred Avatar

    OK Billy,
    Many thanks for your answer.
    Please let me know if you have some Ardunio source code from some other project?
    I’m looking for a solution, just to monitor Over the Air strings.
    Many thanks

  7. David Avatar

    i want transmet also weather information : temperature and humidity
    any idea please

    1. billy Avatar

      The code will need to support telemetry messages for APRS, it is not so difficult.

      Any preference on the temperature/humidity sensor ?

      1. David Avatar


      2. David Avatar

        juste only i like to test one sensor

        temperature and humidity sensor like DHT11 or DHT22 better
        temperature LM35 ,LM60 or DS18B20 better

        i wante only test one sensor for educational

        Thnks you

  8. David Avatar


    Can i use arduino uno 5 voltsonly for educational test

    73’s best regards


    1. billy Avatar


      Never tested on Arduino Uno, however you can try to change the
      #define ADC_REFERENCE REF_3V3
      #define ADC_REFERENCE REF_5V

      And hopefully it will work

  9. David Avatar


    1. Jens Avatar

      Hey David, and does it work with 5V by changing the ADC_References?

  10. Anon Avatar

    Hello, thank you for a nice project.

    Can you please elaborate a bit on wiring the Kenwood cable to the board? What are you using the forth cable for, the schematic indicates only 3 connections?

    My Baofeng is constantly transmitting once I plug in the cable, even when the power is off on the board.

    I’ve wired it as follows:

    Where does the SPK+ go?

    Thanks in advance

    1. billy Avatar


      Check you grounding, without power on the board connecting the cable shouldn’t trigger the PTT.

      I have checked my board and without any power or the Arduino plugged in the Baofeng is not transmitting.

      The forth cable is unused at this stage, the plan is to check if the frequency is open before transmiting, if you want you can connect the SPK+ through a 100nF cap to A0

      Check the Q1 is case it has allready failed

      1. Anon Avatar

        Hello Billy,

        Indeed, Q1 was fried, after I replaced it, the HT stopped transmitting as soon as it was plugged in.

        However, nothing is happening when the circuit is powered on.

        I am getting valid NMEA sentences when I connect the arduino to a CP2102, i.e. “if (gps.encode(c))” is true, however nothing happens from that point on..

        I’ll let you know if I manage to debug it.


      2. billy Avatar


        It will not trasmit (or exit the loop) if you don’t have a fix. Can you check the serial output of the Arduino ?

  11. Anon Avatar

    Hello Billy,

    I did check the serial output of the Arduino, but I’m not sure what to make of it.

    1. When the GPS module (GY-NEO6MV2) is interfaced with a CP2102, in u-center, I get a 3D lock in a matter of seconds, the coordinates are accurate to within a few meters.

    2. When I interface the Arduino with the CP2101 I get what appear to be valid NMEA sentences (see the pastebin below), however the coordinates in $GNGGA are more than 50km off from my current position!

    3. Your software appears to be outputting 99999(..etc) as lan/lat and 0/0/2000 as the current date, so obviously the incoming data is not being parsed correctly.

    4. I’m not quite sure what to make of the serial output coming in this way – the NMEA sentences are sometimes on the same line, or otherwise interrupted randomly. This is the reason I lowered the baud rate to the Arduino to 9600 from 115200, but the result is the same (please see the screenshot).

    5. The APRS Update function will fire. Upon that event, the HT will start transmitting continuously, until it is powered off. Please see the screenshot below.

    I will try to debug further when I have the time. If someone has any ideas in the meanwhile, it will be very much appreciated if you share them.

    Pastebin of the serial output:

    Screenshot of the serial output:

    Screenshot of HT transmitting:

    Kind regards

  12. billy Avatar


    I can comment on the LAT/LON 999999999. This is parsed from the TinyGPS library, for some reason it cannot understand the output of the GPS

    Can you please enable the gps.sendCommand(PMTK_SET_NMEA_OUTPUT_RMCGGA);

    Let’s fix the parsing first, i do have somewhere a NEO GPS to test

    1. Anon Avatar

      Hello Billy,

      After some frustration with TinyGPS I used some simpler parsing for the NMEA sentences and I am now feeding the correct values to APRS_setLan and APRS_setLon

      However, I cannot get over the continuous transmission problem – i.e. once a packet is transmitted, the UV5R will not stop transmitting at all (obviously no data, though). Do you have any idea how to debug this?

      Here’s how it looks –

  13. Anon Avatar

    It was an EMI problem, temporary solution is a ferrite.

    I’m getting packets on already, thanks again for the nice project. If you don’t mind I might post the modified code and hardware later on.

    I think using NeoSWSerial instead of SoftwareSerial and not using TinyGPS at all makes a big difference for this weak chip.


    1. Andreas Avatar

      Hi Anon,
      can you pls. post the modified code and hardware.
      Maybe you have it already on Github?!
      I am really interested!

  14. dario Avatar

    hi Billy, i’am Dario iw2fzr…..beginner for ARDUINO. i try make your project but, not run correctly in my arduino NANO. after put in sw in board i see correctly serial .Arduino
    APRS Tracker
    28/7/2018 8:46:8 LAT=46175150 LON=9864482 4610.50N/00951.86E
    i push the botton i hear first moment afsk correctly on the end bad qualyty and the serial MANUAL UPDATE
    28/7/2018 8:46:18 LAT=46175150 LON=9864482 4610.50N/00951.86E
    and stop run! you have a suggestion? nano isen’t correctly ?only micro? best regards ciao

    1. billy Avatar

      Hi Darlo,

      Can you see the build-in LED of Arduino Nano on TX to go high ?

      There is a modification to be done on libarps to support the Nano


      1. adolfo Avatar

        hi billy, you have the modification in libaprs ??? i build the project in arduino nano. thank you. adolfo from argentina

  15. Russ Avatar

    Has this been tested on a Pro-Mini 16mhz? My C language is really rusty (I’m mostly self taught), but I’ve seen the program run through most of void loop() but the manual button doesnt work, send_aprs_update never goes true, and the isnt performed. The only output I get on the serial monitor is
    Arduino APRS Tracker
    17/9/2018 6:7:45 LAT=47000000 LON=-122000000 4700.00N/12200.00W
    Any ideas?

    1. Russ Avatar

      Also tried it on a Duelimove, same results. All I have connected is the GPS on pins 11&12 and the button on 10. Nothing on the output.

    2. Russ Avatar

      One minor issue is the program shows Tx on pin 11 and Rx on 12 whereas the schematic shows them opposite – easy fix.

      1. billy Avatar

        Thanks for reporting it, i will double check it.

        Code is verified only on 8 MHz, it could work but i have never tested it

    3. Russ Avatar

      It was something wrong with my digital pin 10 – I switched it to 13 and the problem changed. I may have a bad pro-mini, I’ll find another one to use.

  16. Russ Avatar

    It appears that I need to read a bit better. I had not seen that you modified libaprs – that was the problem. I believe you can use the original libaprs if you change the button to pin 13 and watch PORTD 5 for transmit. All is better now – Thanks!

  17. KB Avatar

    What antenna are you using on the UV-5R? And do you like it?

    1. billy Avatar

      It’s a NAGOYA NA-771 SMA-FEMALE bought it from, i use it for many years, really happy with it, better than the stock one

  18. Andreas Avatar

    Hi Billy, i am very interested in APRS Tracker but i am not so much into electronics. My question, is it possible to use this tracker also with a 5V/10000mAh PowerBank instead of the Akku? Or how do i have to adopt it? Thanks, Andreas

    1. billy Avatar

      Andreas hi,

      The regulator accepts input up to 6V, so if you can connect your powerbank USB output directly to the input instead of using the battery it will work

      1. Andreas Avatar

        Hi Bily, thanks a lot for your fast answere. Unfortunately another question comes up. I am interested in the APRS Tracker with the charging module to use it with USB-Powerbank. Your comment was very helpful. My question is if you have also a schematic file (pdf) were the Batterycharger electronic is includet. Thanks a lot, Andreas

      2. billy Avatar

        Now i understood, unfortunately there is no option to charge the battery and also use the APRS tracker, i am missing a feature called load sharing

  19. Paolo Avatar

    Hi Billy, thanks in advance for you answer and for your great project. I’ve build it but it did not happen anything on my Baofeng UV-3R although TX LED on Arduino blinks for a little bit either on APRS UPDATE and on MANUAL UPDATE with button on PIN 10. Serial Monitor update every second with correct position data.

    Could you please make a short list of controls to do?
    Thanks. Paolo.

    1. billy Avatar

      Hi Paolo,

      If your UV-3R is not going on TX blame the PTT (Q1). Check with a voltmeter on PTT PIN first if it goes high on TX as a starting point

      if it is going on TX and you don’t transmit, check the R6 and adjust it accordingly

  20. Alexander Avatar

    That’s really great project! Cheap and reliable.
    It’s can super great time add additional hardware, as compass with display, for locating same APRS devices in range…. For example tourism, etc… Display can show direction and range to other listened devices, same as them can spot you. Thanks!

  21. Andreas Avatar

    Hi Billy,
    i built everything. Looks good, but i have some problems with uploading the software. With Arduino IDE it works, but than the Tracker ist doing nothing. And with PlatformIO (ATOM or VS Code) it does not work at all! Always errors on debugging like board is not supported from PlatformIO and the LipAPRS will not be found. Are there any adjustments i have to do. Thanks a lot, Andreas

    1. Michal Avatar

      Where can I download arduino files who can I upload to my raspberry ?
      Maybe stupid question but Im beggining – it is my first project which I assembly

      1. billy Avatar

        This specific project is Arduino based, no raspberry at all. It means that you cannot run the code on your Raspberry Pi

  22. billy Avatar

    Andreas hi,

    Do you see any output on the serial when connected to Arduino IDE ?


    1. Andreas Avatar

      Thanks Bily, i have already an working Tracker! 🙂 Will try to make an PCB for it. Its really cool… 🙂

  23. Luke Avatar

    For those strugling with the Manual update, it needs a 10k resistor as a pulldown resistor to make it work perfectly. If you use the 3.3v as stated somewhere here before, it tends to reset the Arduino (nano in my case), best 73 de ON2ON

  24. Nolan Pearce Avatar
    Nolan Pearce

    Is there a way to see the completed APRS packet in the serial monitor? I have an afsk encoder with my radio that just needs a string. Can I read the buffer of the final project before it is sent? Thanks and 73

    1. billy Avatar

      You could do that by modifying libAPRS.cpp function APRS_sendLoc , just before APRS_sendPkt to print the packet instead of sending it

  25. William Levien Avatar
    William Levien

    Any chance you have actual part numbers?

    I ordered 3 PCBs from OSH Park and I found most of the items on Mouser, but looking for the exact switches you used…

    1. William Levien Avatar
      William Levien

      I love this project, and love that you shared the files. I can’t wait to build it but I am pretty bummed the BOM doesn’t list all the parts needed to build…

      Missing values for C3 & C4 & U2

      Also can’t find a part for SW2.

      1. billy Avatar

        To avoid confusion use the KiCAD schematic, contains all the info

        I will update the page accordinly, C3 100nF/C4 1uF

  26. Noah Avatar

    Hello! I am working on developing this to work with a weather balloon project I’m working on. I am trying to transmit some temperature data live with it. To do this, I am trying to alter the “comment” part of the code to contain a variable with it. I am doing this inside the locationUpdate() Part of the code. It keeps giving me an error saying, “initializer fails to determine size of ‘comment’.” My code is below.

    void locationUpdate(int insideTemp, int outsideTemp, int alt) {
    char comment []= (String)”Arduino APRS Weather Ballon! Inside Temp:”+insideTemp);

    APRS_setLat((char*)deg_to_nmea(lat, true));
    APRS_setLon((char*)deg_to_nmea(lon, false));

    // turn off SoftSerial to stop interrupting tx

    // TX
    APRS_sendLoc(comment, strlen(comment));

    // read TX LED pin and wait till TX has finished (PB5) digital write 13 LED_BUILTIN

    // start SoftSerial again

    Any help would be great.

    Thank You,
    Noah (KM4VXF)

  27. Andreas Avatar

    Hi Billy,
    i have a hopefully little problem. I got new GPS Modules for the Tracker (ublox 6MV2) unfortunately its not working with them. I am not sure what i can do. I tried many boud rates. I changed on the GPS Module and also in the software. On the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor i see the NMEA sentences on the Arduino board. I see that there is the &GNGGA with all the information. Do you think there is something with the baud rate or the parsing the GPS data? GPS has an fix. I recogniced also the manual push button is not working? Do you have any idea where i do some mistake or whats happen? THX, Andreas

    1. billy Avatar

      Andreas hi,

      Let’s isolate it: can you please run the examples from the tinygps ?

      If tinygps is not able to decode it, then the APRS tracker will not be able to do anything


      1. Andreas Avatar

        Hi Billy, thanks. I run examples from TINYGPS called simple_test. It shows me all the NMEA sentences like this.

        $GPTXT,01,01,01,ANTENNA OPEN*25

        Looks ok so far?! KR, Andreas

      2. billy Avatar

        Hi Andreas,

        I assume that you used this example:

        And it doesn’t display the coordinates but just skips to line 56 output of CHARS…

        This decodes correctly

        This one no

        I assume that this version of TinyGPS doesn’t support the GNRMC code which explains the behavior…

        Can you please try this version ?

        Apologies but it is out of my control


  28. Andreas Avatar

    I will try the other TinyGPS. Thanks a lot… 🙂

    1. Andreas Avatar

      Hi Billy, i assume the problem was that the NMEA sentence from GLOSNASS was not parsed. (GNGGA) I modified the TinyGPS from florind and now it works.
      I put the modified TinyGPS fork on GitHub
      Thanks for your help, Andreas

    2. Mich Avatar

      Billy what should I chage in code to see high over sea level on

      1. billy Avatar


        I have updated the code to include the altitude in the APRS comment field in the latest update. I don’t know if supports it or not… but it is trasmitted (value /A=infeet)

  29. Andreas Avatar

    Hi Billy,
    i assume the problem was that the new GPS-Modules send GPS and GLONASS sentences I modified the TinyGPS from Mikal Hart by adding also the “GNRMC” and “GNGGA” type.
    You find the GitHub fork under
    Now it works! Thanks for your support and giving the right hints!

  30. Ridwan Fauzi Avatar

    how does the tool work? thanks

    1. billy Avatar

      It gets the position from GPS, and transmit it using APRS on the air

  31. Ridwan Fauzi Avatar

    what the funtion this arduino aoos tracker? thanks

    1. billy Avatar

      Provide the location of you/your vehicle over APRS (HAM Radio)

  32. Aaron Avatar

    Hi I need some help, I tryed to upload the sketch and I got an error message saying “no matching function for call to ‘SimpleTimer::setInterval(long int, void (&)())’” what can I do to fix this problem.

    1. billy Avatar


      Have you installed the SimpleTimer library ?

      1. Aaron Avatar

        Yes I installed all 3 of the libraries required.

      2. billy Avatar

        it compiles without issues, what is your Arduino IDE version ? Can you try with the latest ?

      3. Aaron Avatar

        Any solution to the problem I’m having.

      4. Aaron Avatar

        Hi Billy
        I’m still getting the same error message.
        Anything else that might work, I have the latest version of Arduino IDE.


      5. billy Avatar

        Hi Aaron,

        You used the SimpleTimer version from the Arduino Library Manager, delete it and download the one from github manually (extract it on your libraries folder)

        I can understand the confusion, will try to include the needed library in my code


      6. billy Avatar

        Delete the library, i have included in the project on github to avoid confusion, thank for the comment

  33. Aaron Avatar

    Sorry didn’t see your reply will try suggestions above thanks

    1. Aaron Avatar

      Hi Billy
      I uploaded the sketch to the Arduino it says done uploading when I plug it into the radio nothing happens and when I open the serial monitor I see nothing as well.
      Could you please help.

      1. billy Avatar


        If you Arduino works well, you will get a “Arduino APRS Tracker” on your serial monitor right after restart.

        Check that first


      2. Aaron Avatar

        Hi Billy
        I don’t get that when it starts up.

      3. billy Avatar


        Can you try the examples from Arduino and ensure that your serial is working ok ?


      4. Aaron Avatar

        Hi Billy
        I have tested the example codes and serial work no problem.

  34. adolfo LU9HT Avatar

    Hello Bily I built your design but with arduino nano, it works very well and I can see my position on the maps .. but … when I press the send location button it sends the location without problems but then the program stops and I need to restart it so that Go back to work, can you give me some tip?

    1. billy Avatar


      Check if you are using a push on switch, and could you please change the code to



      1. billy Avatar

        I just pushed an update to LibAPRS for Arduino Nano. Can you download again the lib and try ?

      2. adolfo LU9HT Avatar
        adolfo LU9HT

        Arduino APRS Tracker
        10/11/2019 23:14:45 LAT=-31746292 LON=-65001211 3144.77S/06500.07W
        10/11/2019 23:14:46 LAT=-31746293 LON=-65001212 3144.77S/06500.07W
        10/11/2019 23:14:47 LAT=-31746291 LON=-65001209 3144.77S/06500.07W
        10/11/2019 23:14:48 LAT=-31746290 LON=-65001206 3144.77S/06500.07W
        10/11/2019 23:14:49 LAT=-31746288 LON=-65001203 3144.77S/06500.07W
        10/11/2019 23:14:51 LAT=-31746301 LON=-65001223 3144.77S/06500.07W




      3. billy Avatar

        Could you please try without your radio connected ? Just want to exclude the RF part

  35. adolfo LU9HT Avatar
    adolfo LU9HT

    Hi Billy, I did tests without radio and the problem continues, no changes are seen

  36. adolfo LU9HT Avatar
    adolfo LU9HT

    I connect the system, the minute sends position and then does nothing more.
    if I open the serial monitor you get this: 11/13/2019 16:20:28 LAT = -31746136 LON = -65001162 3144.76S / 06500.06W
    11/13/2019 16:20:29 LAT = -31746138 LON = -65001157 3144.76S / 06500.06W
    11/13/2019 16:20:30 LAT = -31746143 LON = -65001149 3144.76S / 06500.06W
    11/13/2019 16:20:31 LAT = -31746148 LON = -65001141 3144.76S / 06500.06W
    11/13/2019 16:20:37 LAT = -31746137 LON = -65001157 3144.76S / 06500.06W
    and there it is. but if I restart the serial monitor it counts again until the next aprs update

    1. billy Avatar

      Trying to replicate it on one of my devices, will update you today

      1. Adolfo lu9ht Avatar
        Adolfo lu9ht

        thank you billy

      2. billy Avatar

        Confirmed. Issues with Nano, and the SimpleTimer, looking to it

  37. Riani Avatar

    It is truly a nice and helpful piece of information. I am glad that you simply shared this helpful info with us. Please stay us up to date like this.
    Thank you for sharing.

  38. Nicolas Avatar

    Hi Billy and thanks for all the work you have done.

    Just finished the project on a protoboard and having low audio received on the other end.

    Have tried adjusting the RV1 levels in order to improve it but makes no difference.

    Any idea of what should I try?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. billy Avatar

      Try to get the audio just before the potentiometer and you should be ok

      1. Nicolas Avatar

        Do you mean to connect the the analog out before the potenciometer?

  39. adolfo LU9HT Avatar
    adolfo LU9HT

    Hola Billy encontre la manera de hacerlo funcionar con arduino nano
    // read TX LED pin and wait till TX has finished (PB5) digital write 13 LED_BUILTIN
    // start SoftSerial again

    // turn off SoftSerial to stop interrupting tx
    // COMENT THIS LINE ****** GPSSerial.end(); ****** COMENTE ESTA LINEA!!!!!!


    ** Convert degrees in long format to APRS string format


  40. adolfo LU9HT Avatar
    adolfo LU9HT


    1. billy Avatar

      Thank you for the feedback. Smartbeacon is on my list

      1. Nicolas Solop Avatar

        Any updates on smartbeaconing? do you need help testing out?

      2. billy Avatar

        Hi Nicolas, i have started adding it, hopefully till end of the week i will update the github with the first version

      3. billy Avatar

        Nicholas still pending, and i don’t have a way to test it, i have found the algorythm and a pseudo code around it it needs a bit of cleanup first before commiting it to the repo

      4. Nicolas Avatar

        Let me know if you need help to tests smart beaconing.

        Have a few radios here to test and the government allowed us to go out our homes!

  41. sigi Avatar

    where or who makes the board.find no info about it.


  42. Ardy Avatar

    Hello Billy, I’m not a engineering but I’m trying to make an experiment. Can it be displayed on the web of Or how do I see my location using the device?

    1. billy Avatar

      As long you are a licensed HAM Radio Amateur yes you can use it

  43. Sigi Avatar

    Hi, Billy.
    on june 8,2019 you report about an update. you should take the circuit diagram of KICAD. only the circuit diagram is from april 16,2019. i miss the changes and extensions in it.
    sorry for my questions.

    1. billy Avatar

      Updating the page

  44. sigi Avatar


    Oh yes !!! We do have also PCB ready credits to aronaut. Thank you !!!

    Please,can you help the path to aronaut.4 ham operator want to buy the board.


    1. billy Avatar


      You can use the Gerber directly and order them from your favorite PCB supplier


      1. sigi Avatar

        Hi Billy

        many thanks for your info


  45. Kenan Avatar

    Çalışman için teşekkür ederim Billy. PCB kart yaptırdım ve arkadaş çevreme verdim uğraşıyoruz.
    TA1MKK 73

  46. Nicolas Avatar

    Hi Billy! finally works! thanks for all your help.

    The thing is that I would like to add an external LED in order to know when the position is achieved without having to look the module itself.

    Do you know how to do this based on your code?

    Thanks again.


    1. billy Avatar


      Looks like a good addition, LED on when GPS has a fix. Will update it over the weekend


      1. Nicolás Avatar

        Hi! Did you have the chance to modify the code? Let me know and will test it! Thanks

      2. billy Avatar

        Yes, on latest commit. Add a LED to A3 with a resistor to ground, it should blink every second when you have a GPS FIX

      3. Nicolas Avatar

        Will try this weekend and let you know! Thanks!

  47. Adolfo LU9HT Avatar
    Adolfo LU9HT

    Hi Billy, could you advance something with the theme of smartbeaconing?
    the system still works very well with the arduino nano

    1. billy Avatar

      Still work in progress, i will upload a first beta this weekend

  48. Mich Avatar

    Billy do You plan to support some temperture sensors in Your project ? Maybe BME280 or DHT22 ?
    I plan to release ballon with this tracker, temp sensors would be very helpfull
    BTW – how often this tracker send frames ? can I set it somewhere in the code ?

    1. billy Avatar


      We could add a BME280 nice idea . As for the updates default to every 2 minutes but you can modified.


  49. Mich Avatar

    PTT delay – I plan to use it with baofeng pmr who is able to work on 2m ( BF-T1 ) Point is – this radio transmit signal after some short time after pushed ptt. Do You have some setting who delay aprs frame after PTT ?

    1. billy Avatar

      2 Sure try with APRS_setPreamble(350); in the void setup()


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